

We will be able to receive and send e-mails on board. The data exchange will occur by short wave transmission – with very low transfer speed. In order to allow a speedy and trouble free data transfer the following guidelines need to be respected:

Send e-mails to: info(at)polaris-basilea.ch

Please always use this address, regardless of the address we might use in the responses. These E-mails are always saved on a separate server. Sometimes e-mails transmitted by short waves – disappear. This way we can on shore check in an internetcafe if we really received all the mails.

PLEASE DO NOT send any attachments. If you really must / want to send attachments, please send them to attachments(at)polaris-basilea.ch. In this case, please send a short note to info(at)polaris-basilea.ch so that we know about the attachment. This will allow us to check it at the next internet café.

The best is when you write your e-mails as plain text (no HTML or ‚rich text’).

When answering our e-mails, please delete our text (it takes up space and therefore transmitting time)

Minimize SPAMS by using hidden ‚recipients’.



Name:          Polaris- Basilea
MMSI:           269 749 000
Call Sign:      HBY 4213




In areas with good internet reception we will also be reachable by SKYPE. Needless to say, we must be online at the time.

If you are not a skype user yet, you can download the program on www.skype.com and register yourself. You will also find on the home page information about recommended additional hard  / software.

Our skype name:   Polaris-Basilea



Prior to when, you can reach us at the following addresses:

Andreas Burkard
Kindergartenstrasse 7
5622 Waltenschwil

Susanna Teinilä c/o Ursula Teinilä
Dintikerstr. 7
5607 Hendschiken

When at Sea, the post will be read by Adrian Burkard, or Ursula Teinilä and forewarded to us by skype.
